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Adding Armor


While Armor is a bit more complicated to add then a normal block/item, once you can understand it, it becomes simple to make. To add Armor, we'll first make a CustomArmorMaterial class, then register the items. We'll also take a look at how to texture them. There's a special chapter at the end of this document that explains how to add knockback to the Armor, since the method is only accessible through a mixin (as of 1.16.3).

Creating an Armor Material class

Since new armor needs to be set with a new name (as well as extra things like armor points and durability), we'll have to create a new class for our CustomArmorMaterial.

This class will implement ArmorMaterial, and it'll start by assigning values to armor points (called PROTECTION_VALUES). All its following arguments will make use of @Override.

  1. public class CustomArmorMaterial implements ArmorMaterial {
  2. private static final int[] BASE_DURABILITY = new int[] {13, 15, 16, 11};
  3. private static final int[] PROTECTION_VALUES = new int[] {A, B, C, D};
  5. // In which A is helmet, B chestplate, C leggings and D boots.
  6. // For reference, Leather uses {1, 2, 3, 1}, and Diamond/Netherite {3, 6, 8, 3}
  7. }

The next arguments are defined as follows (don't worry about the names, you'll see how we implement it below them):

  1. getDurability: how many hits can armor take before breaking. Uses the int we wrote on 'BASE_DURABILITY' to calculate. Leather uses 5, Diamond 33, Netherite 37.
  2. getPretectionAmount: calls for the 'PROTECTION_VALUES' int we already wrote above.
  3. getEnchantability: This will be how likely the armor can get high level or multiple enchantments in an enchantment book.
  4. SoundEvent getEquipSound: The standard used by vanilla armor is SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_X, X being the type of armor.
  5. Ingredient getRepairIngridient: what item are we gonna be using to repair the armor on an anvil. It can be either a vanilla item or one of your own.
  6. String getName: what the parent item of the armor is. In Diamond armor, it'd be “diamond”.
  7. getToughness: This is a second protection value where the armor is more durable against high value attacks. Value goes as 'X.0F'

And the new value introduced on 1.16

  1. getKnockbackResistance: leave this value at 0. If you want to implement it, write '0.XF' (in which X is how much knockback protection you want), and I'll teach you how to make it work later on.

I'll leave all variables written as X or A, B, C, D. With those arguments, it should now look something like this:

  1. public class CustomArmorMaterial implements ArmorMaterial {
  2. private static final int[] BASE_DURABILITY = new int[] {13, 15, 16, 11};
  3. private static final int[] PROTECTION_VALUES = new int[] {A, B, C, D};
  5. @Override
  6. public int getDurability(EquipmentSlot slot) {
  7. return BASE_DURABILITY[slot.getEntitySlotId()] * X;
  8. }
  10. @Override
  11. public int getProtectionAmount(EquipmentSlot slot) {
  12. return PROTECTION_VALUES[slot.getEntitySlotId()];
  13. }
  15. @Override
  16. public int getEnchantability() {
  17. return X;
  18. }
  20. @Override
  21. public SoundEvent getEquipSound() {
  22. return SoundEvents.ITEM_ARMOR_EQUIP_X;
  23. }
  25. @Override
  26. public Ingredient getRepairIngredient() {
  27. return Ingredient.ofItems(RegisterItems.X);
  28. }
  30. @Override
  31. public String getName() {
  32. return "name";
  33. }
  35. @Override
  36. public float getToughness() {
  37. return X.0F;
  38. }
  40. @Override
  41. public float getKnockbackResistance() {
  42. return 0.XF;
  43. }
  44. }

Now that you have the basics of the armor material class, let's register your armor items in a new class we'll simply call RegisterItems.

Creating Armor Items

Back in the main class, you can now create it like so:

  1. public class ExampleMod implements ModInitializer {
  2. public static final Item WOOL_HELMET = new ArmorItem(CustomArmorMaterial.WOOL, EquipmentSlot.HEAD, (new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));
  3. public static final Item WOOL_CHESTPLATE = new ArmorItem(CustomArmorMaterial.WOOL, EquipmentSlot.CHEST, (new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));
  4. public static final Item WOOL_LEGGINGS = new ArmorItem(CustomArmorMaterial.WOOL, EquipmentSlot.LEGS, (new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));
  5. public static final Item WOOL_BOOTS = new ArmorItem(CustomArmorMaterial.WOOL, EquipmentSlot.FEET, (new Item.Settings().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)));
  6. }

Registering Armor Items

Register them the same way you'd register a normal item.

  1. [...]
  2. public void onInitialize() {
  3. Registry.register(Registry.ITEM,new Identifier("tutorial","wool_helmet"), WOOL_HELMET);
  4. Registry.register(Registry.ITEM,new Identifier("tutorial","wool_chestplate"), WOOL_CHESTPLATE);
  5. Registry.register(Registry.ITEM,new Identifier("tutorial","wool_leggings"), WOOL_LEGGINGS);
  6. Registry.register(Registry.ITEM,new Identifier("tutorial","wool_boots"), WOOL_BOOTS);
  7. }


Since you already know how to make item models and textures, we won't go over them here. (They're done exactly the same as items.) Armor textures are done a little differently since Minecraft thinks it's a vanilla armor item. For this, we'll make a pack.mcmeta file so our resources can act like a resource pack.

        "pack_format": 5,
        "description": "Tutorial Mod"

Now you can finally place your textures here in src/main/resources/assets/minecraft/textures/models/armor/. Keep in mind that they're separated in 2 pictures. (Use vanilla textures for reference.)

If you followed everything, you should now be able to have a full armor set!

tutorial/armor.1602272087.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/10/09 19:34 by sakira