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Adding items to existing loot tables


Sometimes you want to add items to loot tables, for example adding your own drops to a vanilla block or entity. The simplest solution, replacing the loot table file, can break other mods – what if they want to change them as well? We’ll take a look at how you can add items to loot tables without overriding the table.

Our example will be adding eggs to the coal ore loot table.

Listening to loot table loading

Fabric API has an event that’s fired when loot tables are loaded, LootTableLoadingCallback. You can register an event listener for it in your initializer. Let’s also check that the current loot table is the coal ore loot table.

// No magic constants!
private static final Identifier COAL_ORE_LOOT_TABLE_ID = Blocks.COAL_ORE.getLootTableId();
// Actual code
LootTableLoadingCallback.EVENT.register((resourceManager, lootManager, id, table, setter) -> {
    if (COAL_ORE_LOOT_TABLE_ID.equals(id)) {
        // Our code will go here

Adding items to the table 1.16.5 and Below

In loot tables, items are stored in loot entries, and entries are stored in loot pools. To add an item, we’ll need to add a pool with an item entry to the loot table.

We can make a pool with FabricLootPoolBuilder, and add it to the loot table:

LootTableLoadingCallback.EVENT.register((resourceManager, lootManager, id, table, setter) -> {
    if (COAL_ORE_LOOT_TABLE_ID.equals(id)) {
        FabricLootPoolBuilder poolBuilder = FabricLootPoolBuilder.builder()
                .rolls(ConstantLootTableRange.create(1)); // Same as "rolls": 1 in the loot table json

Our pool doesn’t have any items yet, so we’ll make an item entry and add it to the pool, and we're done:

LootTableLoadingCallback.EVENT.register((resourceManager, lootManager, id, table, setter) -> {
    if (COAL_ORE_LOOT_TABLE_ID.equals(id)) {
        FabricLootPoolBuilder poolBuilder = FabricLootPoolBuilder.builder()

Adding items to the table 1.17.1 and Above

The process is the same, the only change is in Syntax for 1.17.1+ you will need to replace ConstantLootTableRange with ConstantLootNumberProvider as shown below in the final code.

LootTableLoadingCallback.EVENT.register((resourceManager, lootManager, id, table, setter) -> {
    if (COAL_ORE_LOOT_TABLE_ID.equals(id)) {
        FabricLootPoolBuilder poolBuilder = FabricLootPoolBuilder.builder()

tutorial/adding_to_loot_tables.1648360889.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/27 06:01 by stormyfabric