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Giving a block state

Every type of block in Minecraft is represented by a singular Block instance. This makes it impossible to change a specific block's state by simply changing the Block instance's state, as every other block of that type will be affected! But, what if I do want to give a singular block state, so it can change based on some condition? This is what BlockStates are for. Say we wanted a block to have a hardness of 0.5 normally, but if we right click it before we try to break it, it would become harder and gain a hardness of 2. First we define the boolean property of the block - whether or not it is hard:

public class MyBlock extends Block {
    public static final BooleanProperty MyBlockIsHard = BooleanProperty.of("is_hard");

Then we need to register the property by overriding appendProperties:

public class MyBlock extends Block {
    protected void appendProperties(StateFactory.Builder<Block, BlockState> stateFactory) {

Then we need to set the default state of our property in the block constructor:

public class MyBlock extends Block {
    public MyBlock(Settings settings) {
        setDefaultState(getStateFactory().getDefaultState().with(MyBlockIsHard, false));

Now, to set the property we need to call world.setBlockState:

public class MyBlock extends Block {
    public boolean activate(BlockState state, World world, BlockPos pos, PlayerEntity player, Hand hand, BlockHitResult blockHitResult) {
        return super.activate(state, world, pos, player, hand, blockHitResult);

And to use the property we call blockState.get(<our-property-name>):

public class MyBlock extends Block {
    public float getHardness(BlockState blockState, BlockView blockView, BlockPos pos) {
        boolean isHard = blockState.get(MyBlockIsHard);
        if(isHard) return 2.0f;
        else return 0.5f;
tutorial/blockstate.1564073714.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/25 16:55 by fudge