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Setting up a mod development environment


* JDK 8+ * Any IDE, for example IntelliJ IDEA


- Copy the starting files from fabric-example-mod, excluding the LICENSE and files - as those apply to the template itself, not necessarily to your mod. - Edit

  • Make sure to set archives_base_name and maven_group to your preferred values.
  • Make sure to update the versions of Minecraft, the mappings and the loader - all of which can be queried through this website - to match the versions you wish to target.
  • Add any other dependencies you plan to use in build.gradle.

- Import the project to your IDE. Follow these instructions to import the project to Visual Studio Code. - Run the genSources Gradle task. If your IDE doesn't have Gradle integration, then run the following command in the terminal: ./gradlew genSources. - Happy modding!


  • While Fabric API is not strictly necessary for developing mods, its primary goal is to provide cross-compatibility and hooks where the game engine does not, and as such it is highly recommended!
  • As Fabric is in early development, occasionally, with development of fabric-loom (our Gradle build plugin) issues may crop up which require a manual clearing (deleting) of the cache (which can be found in .gradle/caches/fabric-loom). Those will generally be announced as they are identified.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions! We're here to help you and work with you to make your dream mod a reality.


Missing sounds

Sometimes, when importing the Gradle project into an IDE, the assets might not download correctly. In this case, run the downloadAssets task manually - either using IDE's built-in menu or by simply running gradlew downloadAssets.

tutorial/setup.1558300748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/05/19 21:19 by falseresync