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Name translations

Notice how your item has a weird display name, such as item.tutorial.my_item? This is because your item's name doesn't have a translation in your game's selected language. Translations are used to support multiple different languages for a single string.

Creating a lang file

You can use lang files to provide translations for translatable strings in-game. You'll need to create a file with an appropriate file name for your language– to find your languages' code, visit this link. English is en_us. Once you have your language code, create a JSON file at resources/assets/modid/lang/; a full example for an English translation file would be resources/assets/tutorial/lang/en_us.json.

Adding a translation

After you've created the lang file, you can use this basic template to add translations:

  "item.tutorial.my_item": "My Item",
  "item.tutorial.my_awesome.item": "My Awesome Item",

where the first string is any translatable string (such as an item name, or TranslatableTextComponent). If you're following along in the wiki tutorial, remember to change modid to `tutorial`, or whatever modid you've chosen.

Translation format

The translation key for objects you have registered is in the form

Object Format Example
"block.tutorial.example_block": "Example Block"  
 "item.tutorial.my_item": "My Item"
tutorial/lang.1563968821.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/24 11:47 by fudge