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要了解CurseGradle,首先看看 project's official wiki. 注意:在最新版本中,本文概述的更改似乎没有必要,甚至可能有害。


(注意:最近的Loom 0.2.5有改动)

用于fabric的重要改动,已经用绿色高亮了。 如果你用fabricloom 0.2.5,remapJar.out 应该换成 remapJar


  • afterEvaluate { ... } - Loom's remapJar tweaks currently happen after evaluation, and as such remapJar.output can only be read then,
  • mainArtifact(remapJar) (or mainArtifact(remapJar.output) for Loom 0.2.4 and earlier) - the primary artifact submitted to CurseForge should be the output of remapJar, that is the remapped (production-ready) mod .JAR file,
  • uploadTask.dependsOn(remapJar) - make sure that the CurseForge upload task only runs once the remapped JAR has been built,
  • forgeGradleIntegration = false - as you're not using ForgeGradle, that specific integration has to be disabled.

注意:即使启用了较新的Java版本支持,CurseGradle也不会将mod loader版本设置为fabric,也不会将Java 10添加到受支持的Java版本中.

zh_cn/tutorial/cursegradle.1576648701.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/18 05:58 by lightcolour