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Bienvenido a la Fabric Wiki!

Estos recursos estan dedicados para Fabric. Fabric es un conjunto de herramientas modulares para crear modificaciones de Minecraft: Java Edition 1.14 y posteriores, incluyendo snapshots.

Algunas de las paginas de esta wiki pueden estar desactualizadas o sin terminar.

Esta wiki esta tambien en los siguientes idiomas:

Asegurate de leer las reglas de la comunidad!

Tutoriales para Jugadores

Si deseas usar Fabric como jugador, administrador de un servidor, o un desarrollador de modpack, deberias ver la sección de Tutoriales para jugadores.

Modpack and Launcher Developers

:!: These pages may be slightly outdated, we are currently in process of rewriting them.

Please keep in mind that we recommend using Minecraft Launcher and MCUpdater for modpack play and distribution. However, that doesn't stop us from trying to support other solutions!

Mod Developer Tutorials


If you want to know how projects in the Fabric toolchain work, you should check out the Documentation section of the wiki.

Contributing to the Wiki

The Wiki is mostly maintained by the community, for the community. If you are interested in contributing to the wiki, check out the following pages first:

  • Wiki Meta - Starting point for contributing to the wiki
  • Wiki Agenda - See what is on the current agenda, and what other contributors are currently working on.
es/start.1697916461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/10/21 19:27 by binaris00