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Fabric Loom

Fabric Loom, or just Loom for short, is a Gradle plugin for development of mods in the Fabric ecosystem. Loom provides utilities to install Minecraft and mods in a development environment so that you can link against them with respect to Minecraft obfuscation and its differences between distributions and versions. It also provides run configurations for use with Fabric Loader, Mixin compile processing and utilities for Fabric Loader's jar-in-jar system.

Dependency configurations

  • minecraft: Defines the version of Minecraft to be used in the development environment.
  • mappings: Defines the mappings to be used in the development environment.
  • modCompile, modImplementation, modApi and modRuntime: Augmented variants of compile, implementation, api and runtime for mod dependencies. Will be remapped to match the mappings in the development environment and can optionally have nested JARs extracted and remapped.
  • include: Declares a dependency that should be included as a jar-in-jar in the remapJar output. This dependency configuration is not transitive.

Default tasks

  • cleanLoomBinaries: For the configured version of Minecraft and the configured mappings, deletes the merged Minecraft jar, the intermediary Minecraft jar and the mapped Minecraft jar from the user cache.
  • cleanLoomMappings: For the configured version of Minecraft and the configured mappings, deletes the mappings, the intermediary Minecraft jar and the mapped Minecraft jar from the user cache. Also clears the root project build cache.
  • migrateMappings: Migrates the current source to the specified mappings. See migratemappings.
  • remapJar: Produces a jar containing the remapped output of the jar task. Also appends any included mods for jar-in-jar.
  • genSources: Delegates to two tasks. genSourcesDecompile decompiles the mapped Minecraft jar using FernFlower to create a sources jar and additionally generates a linemap. genSourcesRemapLineNumbers then applies the generated linemap to produce a linemapped jar which re-aligns line numbers in the binary and source jars. The linemapped jar replaces the mapped jar.
  • downloadAssets: Downloads the asset index and asset objects for the configured version of Minecraft into the user cache.
  • genIdeaWorkspace: Depends on idea and genSources. Installs run configurations in the ItelliJ project of the root project and creates the run directory if it does not already exist.
  • genEclipseRuns: Depends on genSources. Installs Eclipse run configurations and creates the run directory if it does not already exist.
  • vscode: Depends on genSources. Generates or overwrites a Visual Studio Code launch.json file with launch configurations in the .vscode directory and creates the run directory if it does not already exist.
  • remapSourcesJar: Only exists if an AbstractArchiveTask sourcesJar exists. Remaps the output of the sourcesJar task in place.
  • runClient: A JavaExec task to launch Fabric Loader as a Minecraft client.
  • runServer: A JavaExec task to launch Fabric Loader as a Minecraft dedicated server.

Default configuration

  • Applies the following plugins: java, eclipse and idea.
  • Adds the following Maven repositories: Fabric, Mojang, Maven Central and JCenter.
  • Configures the idea extension to exclude directories .gradle, build, .idea and out, to download javadocs sources and to inherit output directories.
  • Configures the idea task to be finalized by the genIdeaWorkspace task.
  • Configures the eclipse task to be finalized by the genEclipseRuns task.
  • If an .idea folder exists in the root project, downloads assets (if not up-to-date) and installs run configurations in .idea/runConfigurations.
  • Adds net.fabricmc:fabric-mixin-compile-extensions and its dependencies with the annotationProcessor dependency configuration.
  • Configures all non-test JavaCompile tasks with configurations for the Mixin annotation processor.
  • Configures the remapJar task to output a JAR with the same name as the jar task output, then adds a “dev” classifier to the jar task.
  • Adds the remapJar task and the remapSourcesJar task as dependencies of the build task.
  • Configures the remapJar task and the remapSourcesJar task to add their outputs as archives artifacts when executed.
  • For each MavenPublication (from the maven-publish plugin):
    • Manually appends dependencies to the POM for mod-augmented dependency configurations, provided the dependency configuration has a Maven scope.

All run configurations are set with the run directory ${projectDir}/run and the VM argument -Dfabric.development=true. The main class for run configurations is usually defined by a fabric-installer.json file in the root of Fabric Loader's JAR file when it is included as a mod dependency, but the file can be defined by any mod dependency. If no such file is found, the main class defaults to net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotClient and net.fabricmc.loader.launch.knot.KnotServer.

Client run configurations are configured with –assetsIndex and –assetsDir program arguments pointing to the loom cache directory containing assets and the index file for the configured version of Minecraft. When running on OSX, the “-XstartOnFirstThread” VM argument is added.


minecraft extension properties:

  • runDir (String): Default value is “run”. Defines the run directory used by run configurations and the runServer and runClient tasks.
  • refmapName (String): Default value is “${projectName}-refmap.json”. Defines the name of the mixin refmap.
  • loaderLaunchMethod (String): Default value is “”. Defines the method used to launch Fabric Loader in run configurations. The launch method used is Knot by default. If set to another value method, Loom will attempt to use read fabric-installer.${method}.json for run configurations and fall back to fabric-installer.json if none can be found. If set to “launchwrapper” and no fabric installer definitions can be found, run configurations will use default LaunchWrapper run configuration for Fabric Loader.
  • remapMod (boolean): Default value is true. If false, disables the configuration of the remapJar task, the remapSourcesJar task and the jar task.
  • autoGenIDERuns (boolean): Default value is true. If false, disables the automatic downloading of assets and generation of IntelliJ run configurations if an .idea folder exists in the root project.
  • extractJars (boolean): Default value is false. If true, Loom will recursively extract and remap nested JARs of mod dependencies.


Useful task types

  • net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapJarTask: Takes an input JAR and outputs a JAR. Should be configured to depend on the task that produces the input JAR. This task is not an AbstractArchiveTask.
  • net.fabricmc.loom.task.RemapSourcesJarTask:

Development environment setup

Loom does quite a few things behind the scenes to create a development environment with Minecraft.

  1. Downloads the client and server jar from official channels for the configured version of Minecraft.
  2. Merges the client and server jar to produce a merged jar with @Environment and @EnvironmentInterface annotations.
  3. Downloads the configured mappings.
  4. Remaps the merged jar with intermediary mappings to produce an intermediary jar.
  5. Remaps the intermediary jar with yarn mappings to produce a mapped jar.
  6. Optional: Decompiles the mapped jar to produce a mapped sources jar and linemap, and applies the linemap to the mapped jar.
  7. Adds dependencies of Minecraft.
  8. Downloads Minecraft assets.
  9. Remaps mod-augmented dependencies (and optionally extracts and remaps nested JARs).


  • ${GRADLE_HOME}/caches/fabric-loom: The user cache, a cache shared by all Loom projects for a user. Used to cache Minecraft assets, jars, merged jars, intermediary jars and mapped jars.
  • .gradle/loom-cache: The root project persistent cache, a cache shared by a project and its subprojects. Used to cache remapped mods as well as generated included mod jars.
  • build/loom-cache: The root project build cache.
  • **/build/loom-cache: The (sub)project build cache.
documentation/fabric_loom.1559989754.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/06/08 10:29 by jamieswhiteshirt