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Q: My local Minecraft/Fabric 1.17 Server crashes!

A: The server is probably using Java 8. Minecraft 1.17 needs Java 16.

Q: What do I do now?

A: There are many options. The easier way is to download the Java 16 zip file, unzip in the server folder, edit your bat file to use the java.exe you downloaded.

Q: How do I do that?

1.Download this file:

2. Unzip it inside your server folder.

3. You will now have a jdk-16.0.1+9-jre folder inside your server folder. For example if your server folder is located in M:\SERVER, the java folder will be M:\SERVER\jdk-16.0.1+9-jre

4. Edit the start.bat file you use to start your server, replace java with the full path to the java 16 executable.

For example, if your current command to start the server is:

java -Xms3G -Xmx3G -jar fabric-server-launch.jar nogui

Edit it like this:

%~dp0jdk-16.0.1+9-jre\bin\java.exe -Xms3G -Xmx3G -jar fabric-server-launch.jar nogui

(%~dp0 is replaced with the path where the batch file starting the server is. The assumption is that the start.bat file is inside the server folder.)

Save the file, run it, allow java in the firewall warning if you get one, done.

player/tutorials/mc-1.17-server.1623196823.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/09 00:00 by calloatti