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安装Fabric — MultiMC(Windows)

MultiMC 是开源免费的 Minecraft启动器,允许你拥有多个互相分开的 Minecraft 实例(每个都有各自的模组、材质包、存档等)并通过一个简单而强大的界面帮助你管理。


此处下载和安装MultiMC。Windows系统可以解压到C:\MultiMC或其他文件夹。<!– If you are on Windows, you can extract and move the MultiMC folder inside the zip you downloaded to the root folder of your C: drive, so you end up with MultiMC installed on C:\MultiMC, or use any other location to unzip the MultiMC folder. –>

Also you may need to install Java: Install/Verify Java (Windows)


看看 Kennas 的视频:here 或者点击下方的图片:


第二部:在MultiMC 0.6.6以上的版本创建新的Fabric Minecraft实例

打开 MultiMC 并使用安装步骤配置。点击MultiMC工具栏中的添加实例按钮:









第三步:安装Fabric API

The instance you just created contains the Fabric Mod Loader, you now have to install the Fabric API before being able to use most Fabric mods.

The Fabric API is the core library for the most common hooks and intercompatibility measures utilized by mods using the Fabric toolchain.

If that sounds too complicated just consider the Fabric API as just another mod that will be loaded by the Fabric Loader, and almost all Fabric mods depend on it, so this will be the first mod to install.

Go to and download the latest file for the version of Minecraft you used in the MultiMC instance you just created.

Be aware that Curse usually is not up to date to the latest Minecraft versions, so the version indicated in the “Game Version” column may not be the real actual version of the file! Check the file name for the real Minecraft version the file is intended for.

For example if your instance is for Minecraft 1.14.2, the correct Fabric Api file would be “[1.14.2] Fabric API 0.3.0 build 175” (there may be a newer version of the 1.14.2 Fabric Api after this tutorial was written).

Download the jar file to the instance mods folder.

For example if MultiMC is located in “C:\MultiMC” and your instance name is “FABRIC-1.14.2” then the instance mods folder will be located in “C:\MultiMC\instances\FABRIC-1.14.2\.minecraft\mods”

The paths C:\MultiMC and C:\MultiMC\instances\FABRIC-1.14.2\.minecraft\mods are used as examples, the actual path in your own computer will probably be different:


Run the Minecraft instance to make sure everything is working as expected.


To be able to see the list of mods installed and change mod settings, you may want to install the mod Mod Menu (Fabric). Mod Menu adds a button to the Minecraft main screen:

Clicking the button opens a list of installed fabric mods. Mod settings can be changed by clicking the gear button located on the top right:

To install Mod Menu, go to and click on “files” and download the correct version for the Minecraft MultiMC instance you just created.

Now check out Fabric mods here. Download the mods to the instance mods folder. Again, check for MC versions in the actual file names, do not rely solely on the “Game Version” column. Usually older version mods will work fine in newer versions of MC/Fabric, for example 1.14 and 1.14.1 mods may work fine in 1.14.2 MC/Fabric, so feel free to test them out.

Also be aware that some mods depend on other mods to work. When downloading a mod file, click on the file name, go to the bottom of the page and check out if there is a “Related Projects” entry with dependencies listed. You will have to download the mods listed as required dependencies and may also download the mods listed as optional dependencies.


zh_cn/player/tutorials/install_multimc/windows.1625384524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/04 07:42 by solidblock