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Setting up a mod development environment


General Steps

  1. Copy the starting files from fabric-example-mod (or from the Kotlin version, if you wish to use Kotlin,) excluding the LICENSE and files - as those apply to the template itself, not necessarily to your mod.
  2. Edit
    • Make sure to set archives_base_name and maven_group to your preferred values.
    • Make sure to update the versions of Minecraft, the mappings and the loader - all of which can be queried through this website - to match the versions you wish to target.
    • Add any other dependencies you plan to use in build.gradle.
  3. Import the build.gradle file to your IDE. You may refer to the next section for specific IDE's.
  4. Happy modding!

You can generate the Minecraft sources for reference (since IDEA already has a decompiler this is only useful for searching through the code) : Run the genSources Gradle task. If your IDE doesn't have Gradle integration, then run the following command in the terminal: gradlew genSources (or .gradlew genSources on Linux/MacOS).

IntelliJ IDEA

If you are using IntelliJ IDEA by JetBrains, please follow these steps:

  1. Run gradlew idea first, then import the Project to IDEA.
  2. In order to run/debug your project, go to menu Run → Edit Configurations…. In Run/Debug Configuration dialog, find Application > Minecraft Client and change Use classpath of module form [ProjectName] to [ProjectName].main, then change for Application > Minecraft Server as well.
  3. Happy Modding!


If you are using Eclipse and you would like to have the IDE run configs you can run gradlew eclipse.

Visual Studio Code

If you are using VSCode by Microsoft, please follow these instructions

Getting started

Try adding an item or a block. It's also a good idea to visit Applying changes without restarting Minecraft.


  • While Fabric API is not strictly necessary for developing mods, its primary goal is to provide cross-compatibility and hooks where the game engine does not, and as such it is highly recommended!
  • As Fabric is in early development, occasionally, with development of fabric-loom (our Gradle build plugin) issues may crop up which require a manual clearing (deleting) of the cache (which can be found in .gradle/caches/fabric-loom). Those will generally be announced as they are identified.
  • Don't hesitate to ask questions! We're here to help you and work with you to make your dream mod a reality.


Missing sounds

Sometimes, when importing the Gradle project into an IDE, the assets might not download correctly. In this case, run the downloadAssets task manually - either using IDE's built-in menu or by simply running gradlew downloadAssets.

tutorial/setup.1582283748.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/21 11:15 by mkpoli