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Model Generation

You can generate block (with automatic block states) and item models easily using the FabricModelProvider class.

To create a model generator, create a class that extends FabricModelProvider, and register it at your datagen entrypoint like so:

private static class MyModelGenerator extends FabricModelProvider {
	private MyModelGenerator(FabricDataGenerator generator) {
	public void generateBlockStateModels(BlockStateModelGenerator blockStateModelGenerator) {
		// ...
	public void generateItemModels(ItemModelGenerator itemModelGenerator) {
		// ...
// ...
public void onInitializeDataGenerator(FabricDataGenerator fabricDataGenerator) {
    // ...
    // ...

Adding Block Models

The BlockStateModelGenerator class contains many methods to create block models, in this example, we will create a block with the same texture on each side, also known as minecraft:block/cube_all in json.

public static Block SIMPLE_BLOCK = Registry.register(Registry.BLOCK, new Identifier("mymod", "simple_block"), new Block(...));
public static BlockItem SIMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = Registry.register(Registry.ITEM, ..., new BlockItem(SIMPLE_BLOCK, ...));
// ...
public void generateBlockStateModels(BlockStateModelGenerator blockStateModelGenerator) {

Since a BlockItem for SIMPLE_BLOCK exists and has been registered, an item model will also be automatically generated that parents the block model. This can be overridden in the generateItemModels method.

Adding Item Models

The ItemModelGenerator contains miscellaneous methods to create item models.

In this example, we will override the item model generated from the SIMPLE_BLOCK block model in the previous example. We will generate an item model from SIMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM

public static Block SIMPLE_BLOCK = Registry.register(Registry.BLOCK, new Identifier("mymod", "simple_block"), new Block(...));
public static BlockItem SIMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM = Registry.register(Registry.ITEM, ..., new BlockItem(SIMPLE_BLOCK, ...));
// ...
public void generateItemModels(ItemModelGenerator itemModelGenerator) {
	itemModelGenerator.register(SIMPLE_BLOCK_ITEM, Models.GENERATED);
tutorial/datagen_model.1660680474.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/08/16 20:07 by