====== Hotswapping Mixins ====== Mixins can't be hot-swapped in a default Fabric environment. To enable this functionality, you'll have to specify the ''-javaagent'' flag inside your VM options. The only pre-requisite is having a copy of the sponge mixin jar. Fabric pulls this by default, so you should be able to locate it within your Gradle cache folder. IDEA users can look at the bottom of their project view on the left side of the screen to find the library: {{https://i.imgur.com/fUrhss5.png}} Copy the full path to the jar and open up your run configurations. Under ''Minecraft Client'', expand the VM options tab. You'll need to set the ''-javaagent'' flag to the path of the mixin jar: {{https://i.imgur.com/SuW9MlV.png}} Run your game in debug mode. You can now reload mixins using the same rules as normal: * no adding or removing methods * no changing method parameters * no adding or removing fields To recompile your mixin in IntelliJ, use the ''Recompile'' option in the ''Build'' menu. The default keybind for this is ''Ctrl+Shift+F9''. === Notes ==== DCEVM does not officially support mixin swapping: * When run on Java 1.8:181, DCEVM and Mixin reloads do not work. * When run on DCEVM Java 11, you can reload, but the hot swap task freezes. * When run on JetBrains Runtime's Java 17 fork (with DCEVM), Mixin hotswapping and DCEVM work properly.