====== Publishing mods on CurseForge with CurseGradle ====== To familiarize yourself with CurseGradle, please read the [[https://github.com/matthewprenger/CurseGradle/wiki|project's official wiki]]. Note: in recent versions, it seems that the changes outlined in this article are not necessary and perhaps even harmful. ===== Fabric-specific changes ===== (Note: Last updated for Loom 0.2.5.) The additions necessary for usage with Fabric have been highlighted in green. If you are using Loom 0.2.5 ''remapJar.output'' should be just ''remapJar'' instead. {{:tutorial:cursegradle_changes.png?nolink|}} They are, in order: * ''%%afterEvaluate { ... }%%'' - Loom's remapJar tweaks currently happen after evaluation, and as such remapJar.output can only be read then, * ''%%mainArtifact(remapJar)%%'' (or ''mainArtifact(remapJar.output)'' for Loom 0.2.4 and earlier) - the primary artifact submitted to CurseForge should be the output of remapJar, that is the remapped (production-ready) mod .JAR file, * ''%%uploadTask.dependsOn(remapJar)%%'' - make sure that the CurseForge upload task only runs once the remapped JAR has been built, * ''%%forgeGradleIntegration = false%%'' - as you're not using ForgeGradle, that specific integration has to be disabled. You can set Modloader to Fabric and add supported Java versions with addGameVersion. addGameVersion "Fabric" //Set Modloader to Fabric addGameVersion "Java 8" addGameVersion "Java 11"