====== Mapping Formats ====== There are multiple deobfuscation map file formats in use by the Fabric project and the wider Minecraft/Java modding community as a whole. This page will grant an overview and feature comparison table between the most popular options (grouped by format family, ordered by importance to Fabric tooling and release order therein): ^ Format ^ Namespaces ^ File Metadata ^ Element Metadata ^ Packages ^ Fields ^ Field descriptors ^ Methods ^ Parameters ^ Local variables ^ Element Comments ^ File Comments ^ | [[documentation:tiny|Tiny v1]] | ✔ | arbitrary | - | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[documentation:tiny2|Tiny v2]] | ✔ | arbitrary | - | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | lvIdx & srcName | lvIdx, lvtIdx, startOpIdx & srcName | shared | with ''#'' (in reserved areas) | | [[documentation:enigma_mappings|Enigma]] | - | - | access modifiers | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | lvIdx | - | shared | with ''#'' | | [[https://www.guardsquare.com/manual/tools/retrace|ProGuard]] | - | - | line numbers | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/MinecraftForge/SrgUtils/blob/67f30647ece29f18256ca89a23cda6216d6bd21e/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/srgutils/InternalUtils.java#L69-L81|SRG]] | - | - | - | ✔ | ✔ | - | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/MinecraftForge/SrgUtils/blob/67f30647ece29f18256ca89a23cda6216d6bd21e/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/srgutils/InternalUtils.java#L69-L84|XSRG]] | - | - | - | ✔ | ✔ | src & dst | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/caseif/JAM|JAM]] | - | - | - | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | argPos | - | - | - | | [[https://github.com/MinecraftForge/SrgUtils/blob/67f30647ece29f18256ca89a23cda6216d6bd21e/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/srgutils/InternalUtils.java#L196-L213|CSRG/TSRG]] | - | - | - | ✔ | ✔ | - | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/MinecraftForge/SrgUtils/blob/67f30647ece29f18256ca89a23cda6216d6bd21e/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/srgutils/InternalUtils.java#L262-L285|TSRG v2]] | ✔ | - | static method marker | ✔ | ✔ | src | ✔ | lvIdx & srcName | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-community/tree/5b6191dd34e05de8897f5da68757146395a260cc/java/java-impl-refactorings/src/com/intellij/refactoring/migration|IntelliJ migration map]] | - | name & description | - | ✔ | - | - | - | - | - | - | with ''%%%%'' | | [[https://github.com/Col-E/Recaf/blob/e9765d4e02991a9dd48e67c9572a063c14552e7c/src/main/java/me/coley/recaf/mapping/SimpleMappings.java#L14-L23|Recaf Simple]] | - | - | - | - | ✔ | src | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' | | [[https://github.com/skylot/jadx/blob/2d5c0fda4a0c5d16207a5f48edb72e6efa7d5bbd/jadx-core/src/main/java/jadx/core/deobf/DeobfPresets.java|JOBF]] | - | - | - | ✔ | ✔ | src | ✔ | - | - | - | with ''#'' |