public class ExampleMod implements ModInitializer { /* Declare and initialize our custom block instance. We set our block material to `METAL`. `strength` sets both the hardness and the resistance of a block to the same value. Hardness determines how long the block takes to break, and resistance determines how strong the block is against blast damage (e.g. explosions). Stone has a hardness of 1.5f and a resistance of 6.0f, while Obsidian has a hardness of 50.0f and a resistance of 1200.0f. You can find the stats of all vanilla blocks in the class `Blocks`, where you can also reference other blocks. */ // For versions below 1.20: // public static final Block EXAMPLE_BLOCK = new Block(FabricBlockSettings.of(Material.METAL).strength(4.0f)); // For versions below 1.20.5: // public static final Block EXAMPLE_BLOCK = new Block(FabricBlockSettings.create().strength(4.0f)); // For versions since 1.20.5: public static final Block EXAMPLE_BLOCK = new Block(Block.Settings.create().strength(4.0f)); @Override public void onInitialize() { } }